The situation is critical

Prospects for peace

The delegation

Ögmundur Jónasson – Former Minister of Justice, Minister of the Interior in Iceland; former member of the Icelandic Parliament; former trade union leader; former foreign news editor for Icelandic State TV
Manuel Cortes – General Secretary of the Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association (TSSA) trade union (UK)
Beverly Keene – Coordinator of Dialogue 2000 – Jubilee South (Argentina); teaches Economic and Social Rights at the National University of Buenos Aires
Paul Scholey – Partner at Morrish Solicitors LLP, the leading trade union law firm in the UK
Maxine Peake – Actor, director, and playwright; Vice-President of The Marx Memorial Library, London
Tony Burke – Assistant General Secretary, Unite the Union (UK and Ireland)
Connor Hayes – Student of Philosophy (UK)
John Hunt – writer, editor (UK); long-time international election observer
Jon Spaull – filmmaker, photographer (UK)

Human rights violations

State of emergency

Urgent call

More information

International Initiative “Freedom for Öcalan – Peace in Kurdistan”

Permanent People’s Tribunal ruling

Venice Commission opinions on Turkey

2016 CPT report on İmralı

2019 PACE Resolution on Turkey

Summary of Öcalan’s roadmap to the negotiations

Report of the 2017 İmralı Peace Delegation