
Video: Rojava the suspended future

Chris Den Honds latest film, Rojava the suspended future, documents the Autonomous Administration of North-East Syria and it’s uncertain future, trapped between Turkish occupation and the Syrian regime which wishes …


EU Turkey Civic Commission meets in Brussels

The Annual International Conference on the EU, Turkey, the Middle East and the Kurds was hosted by the EU Turkey Civic Commission (EUTCC) in cooperation with the GUE/NGL Group, the Greens-European Free …


Turkey continues ISIS’ persecution of Yazidis

The persecution of the Yazidis continues as Turkey’s war in Northern Syria pushes into Iraq. Ben Norman of Unite explains the significance of Turkey’s assassination of Yazidi military leader Zardasht …


Is Turkey a democracy?

Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Nobel Prize for Peace recipient, Nora Cortinas, mother of the Plaza de Mayo and Beverly Keene, Coordinator of Dialogo 2000, Argentina have issued a joint statement condemning the arrests of …