Trade unionists’ letter to the Home Secretary: don’t criminalise international solidarity – Border Security Act 2019

In a joint letter to the Home Secretary, Priti Patel MP, senior trade union officials oppose any Home Office decision to make Kurdish-run North-East Syria a “designated area” under the Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Act 2019. Under such a designation, anyone visiting the region could face up to 10 years imprisonment, a fine or both.

They urge the Homes Secretary “Don’t criminalise international solidarity.”

Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Act 2019 – no precedent for such outrageous powers

This law was enacted amidst alarm that UK citizens who had travelled to join Daesh in Iraq or Syria might return home. As is often the case with so-called anti-terror or security legislation, however, such a law can be easily applied in broader ways. It could be used to criminalise the many UK nationals and residents who have travelled to the area, sometimes known by its Kurdish name Rojava, for several purposes: to study the democratic developments there, to assist with the rebuilding of communities and infrastructure and to support the struggle against Daesh.  It could also mean that UK citizens will be criminalised for no other reason than visiting their family who happen to be in the “designated area.” There is no precedent for such outrageous powers.

UK government appeasing dictatorial president of Turkey

If the UK government goes ahead, then it would be further appeasing the increasingly dictatorial President of Turkey, who has invaded Northern Syria and continues to make threats of full-scale invasion against the Kurdish population of North-East Syria.  It would indicate that relations with Turkey are more important than the human rights of UK citizens.

The joint letter below has been signed by numerous trade-union officers at national, regional and branch level.  

Alarmed at criminalisation